Tuesday, April 26, 2011


New Hope-Solebury senior, Shirley Liu, has been selected as the winner of a corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship award. The name of the Scholarship is National Merit Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Scholarship, sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.

From approximately 1.5 million students who entered the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program, only about 16,000 were named Semifinalists. They were designated on a state representational basis, in proportion to each state’s percentage of the national total of high school graduating seniors. In order to advance in the competition and be considered for a merit Scholarship award, a Semifinalist had to become a Finalist by fulfilling several requirements that included submitting a detailed scholarship application and presenting a record of very high academic performance. All winners of about 8,400 National Merit Scholarships are being chosen from the group of approximately 15,000 distinguished Finalists.

Shirley will be attending Shreyer's Honor College at Penn State in the fall.

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